Friday, January 31, 2014

Something Awesome #10 - Gophersvids and Sorcerer Dave

There are many, many great gamers who share content online. Of these gamers, my favorite are Let's Players, and of Let's Players, my favorites are those who roleplay. To explain what I mean, a Let's Player is someone who, quite litterally, plays through the story of a game in parts, films it with commentary, and uploads the videos. A roleplaying Let's Player creates a character for a fantasy or survival game, and then plays from the perspective of the character, in character. This makes for an engrossing and immersive experience. Allowing yourself to get caught up in a great Let's Player's commentary can be a really fun, cathartic way to experience a good story, or to laugh along with a riff on a bad one, celebrating what makes video games great, and poking fun at all that is questionable about the genre. Of all of the Let's Players who roleplay their characters, the best, I think, are Gophersvids (or just Gopher) and Sorcerer Dave (formerly Jingles) on YouTube. Both have soothing voices which grab your attention, and both have a real talent for acting the part of and developing the characters which they have created. Search them on YouTube and see what you think for yourself, and come back next week for another Something Awesome.

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