Saturday, February 22, 2014

Updates Again!

I did an update post a while back where I updated people on how I felt several weeks after first viewing some of the shows which I had reviewed here, and I figured now was as good a time as any to do this again. This will be a quick update, because I mostly want to touch on just three shows: Dad's, Marvel's Avengers Assemble (henceforth known as AA), and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Do you put another period after an acronym if it's at the end of a sentence?

Anyway, on to the updates! Beginning with Dad's, I've stopped watching it pretty much completely. I think its season ended, I dunno, but I got over it pretty quick. I still stand by what I said in my review, that the dialogues are pretty good, especially between a few specific characters, and that it is worth taking a look at, but just know that I stopped looking on, like, week five.

As for AA, I've given up on that one, too. It became very clear after a few episodes that the high expectation of a continuing storyline put in place by the pilot was not going to be the reality. The stories are episodic and fast-paced and way too silly and simple. I think what killed it for me was the episode about week four or five where the team finds out that Captain America knows Dracula from WWII (yeah, you read that right) and now he has to go fight him. So with no other exposition or character developement, they go fight Dracula. Witty phrase, witty phrase, punch punch, Hulk Smash, episode over. It's a shame. I'd really hoped that this show would live up to the promise that it would be a faithful seccussor to Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and it has not. I reduce my rating for AA to a 4 out of 10. It's decent, but it's not great, and I won't be watching it anymore.

Which brings us to S.H.I.E.L.D., which was the first show that I gave a 10 out of 10. Actually it's the first anything that I've ever given such a good score. I did, however, say that I did expect it to level out to being a more typically imperfect show down the road, and in this case my expectations were right on the money. While I still love the show, and I can't wait to see what happens next, it ties into entities from the known Marvel continuities far less often than I originally expected it to. While I understand why it does this (that being so that it doesn't step on the potential future toes of the Marvel movies, and so it can build its own world), I still wish we saw things like A.I.M., Hydra and the like in this show, rather than new entities created for the show itself.

There have also been some shocking reveals as to the events which led up to Coulson's return after The Avengers, where is frackin' died, and while they have been interresting, I don't like them. Hopefully as more is revealed on the subject, I'll get over it, but as of now it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and kinda makes my brain hurt (watch the show and you'll be able to tell the exact scene which brought about this brain pain). I still think it's a good show, just with its own share of flaws, which any show is bound to have. It's as I always say, nothing is perfect, and it just so happens that S.H.I.E.L.D. is no exception to that rule. However, despite my newfound issues with the show, I still give it something between a 7 and an 8 out of 10, and highly reccomend it.

As for these update posts themselves, I'm going to keep doing them periodically, so get used to them, because they're here to stay.

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