Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Follow-Up Awesome - Gotham

So hey, guys, I'm back doing stuff, and just in time for the new TV viewing period! So rather than what I was going to post today, which I totally didn't irresponsibly not write down and then forget what it was or forget to work on it at all (probably), let's talk again about Gotham.

I reviewed the first episode of Gotham, and I said that I liked it, and that is still true. I still like the show. However, my opinion has changed a bit since my initial viewing of the pilot episode, and that is what this review is going to focus on more than anything, citing the mid-season premier, which aired last night, to support my position. Please understand also that a lot of what I am about to say is coming from someone who doesn't typically like mob stories.

But yeah, anyway, Gotham 1.11, Rogue's Gallery. After a brazen attempt to take down the corrupt mayor, Gordon has been reassigned to the newly reopened Arkham Asylum as inmate security, working for a man who is not inherently bad, but just a complete asshole. Meanwhile Barbara has left him, and Selina is staying in his apartment, without his knowledge, with a sick Ivy, and Penguin plays both big mob families against each other for unknown reasons. A lot of stuff evolved and changed very quickly near the end of the last half-season, and this episode did a great job of recapping us on the state of things, and introducing us to the new status quo. I liked some of it, like the fact that, now that his partner has proven just how far he is willing to go, Bullock is kinda like "screw this, why not" and is firmly on Gordon's side. I also really like Selina. She is cool with being on the streets herself, but when she sees the sick Ivy living on the streets beneath a set of stairs, she helps her without hesitation.

I don't, however, like Barbara much at all right now. She's just being awful.

And of course, Penguin is still delightful, and maybe the best thing in the show. I really wish that we would get more of what he's up to, rather than scenes with Jada Smith chewing the scenery and the other actors. I don't mind her character, but she need to be relegated to something more minor soon, because when I say that I don't mind her, I mean I don't mind her in small doses. Thankfully her role was small this week, giving her a chance to remain sinister rather than silly for a whole episode. Not to mention that her bid for power within the mob is not nearly as interesting as it could be, and I just really wish it would be over. Interestingly enough, it was actually her sidekick, Butch, who made this plot line bearable to me this episode, as he had a real moral dilemma to overcome, and it was intriguing.

As for Sir Notappearinginthisepisode and his butler Alfred, well, they weren't in this episode, so I dunno what they're up to. This show has so many characters, guys.

While I would have been happy with this episode as just a "where are they now" kinda dealie, the episode did have a mystery element to it. Someone is using their own brand of electroshock to assault Arkham inmates, and Gordon enlists the help of a couple of Arkhan medical staff members to help his find out who. One is nurse Creepy Obviousvillain played by the delightful Allyce Beasley, and the other is...holy crap, is that Morena Baccarin?!! It is! IT'S MORENA FREAKIN' BACCARIN!!!!!! Holy Crap, this show just got 120% more amazing, and 150% more sexy. I love this lady. She is easily one of the most beautiful and talented actresses around. Wait, who is she playing? DR. LESLIE THOMPKINS?!! Guys, Morena Baccarin is in this show, and she's a recurring character who's important to the lore. I think I just squeed so hard it caused an aneurism.

So okay, I'm gonna wrap this up before I geek anymore, as this post is already at it's upper geek limit, and any further geeking might result in unsafe conditions. Basically this episode covered most of the antics of most of the characters, and gave us a decent mystery with an open ending. In fact that's what this episode was, a big ball of open endings. This episode was basically just here to set up the next one, which is fine, but I think, while it started off really strong, it fizzled at the end.

I also have a few mounting issues with this show. Firstly, how seriously does it take itself? I've been asking this one since the pilot simultaneously presented itself as a serious cop drama, and a bloated, over the top comic book story. I chalked this up to pilot syndrome and thought nothing of it, but it persisted, and really, even though the show has embraced its nonsensicality more in recent episodes, there are moments when I still can't quite tell.

Also, when does this take place? Like, seriously, the characters are seen using modern technology, but then we get a scene with one mobster waiting for another mobster in his fifties era muscle car, listening to doowop on the radio. Lolwut? Really? Make up your minds! And really that is my issue with the show: it needs to make up its mind on so many things regarding its presentation. Right now it is a good show, but if it would just freakin' nail itself down, it could be a great one.

Now excuse me, but I feel like I need to go watch a couple episodes of Firefly for some reason. There will be a short Something Awesome Wednesday, and a review of the 2014 Doctor Who Christmas Special on Friday!

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