Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Random Awesome

So this is the first of the guaranteed short Wednesday updates. It's a little late (I almost forgot that I had a thing after work today). It's a bit random, as there are a few things that I want to talk about, but mostly I want to talk about the awesome that was Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. last night. It was the season (mid-season?) finale, and it was great. Joss has once again created human characters who we can't not care about, and who are awesome but still do dumb, stupid human things. It was great.

Let me put it this way: The first season of the show was good. It started really strong with the premier, but petered out a bit until about mid way, and then just blew you away repeatedly with big reveals and bigger action pretty much every episode, tying into Captain America: The Winter Soldier, up until the big action finale. Then season two rolled around, and it was just as big right from the start, stayed amped up, and then last night, in the finale, it went bigger than it ever has before. A main character was killed and the entire character dynamic of another was changed forever, and plot threads were left unresolved completely for future use.

Mind = blown.

Seriously, anyone who isn't watching this show needs to. Now.

Also, here is a new trailer that you may not have seen that I think is pretty sweet looking, and a couple of my own toy review videos. Check them out, and comment below!


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