Monday, May 12, 2014

The Last Dragonborn - The Journal of Johan Abbot #1

I promised a while ago that I would begin posting the entries written by my Skyrim character, my version of the Dragonborn Hero, Johan Abbot, who I play as when I'm in the game. Anyone who already knows and enjoys Skyrim will recognize the storyline as the storyline and quests of the game, but I do play with game mods, so there will be characters and elements to my story that are not part of the main game, and I do try to improve characterization of non-player characters by interpreting how I think they will respond to elements of Johan's personal story. Anyone who does not already know Skyrim will, hopefully, enjoy this story as a piece of fiction set in that world, and maybe even develop an appreciation for what I think is one of the best single-player role playing games of all time.

---Last Seed, 17th, 4E 201---

  These last few days have been unbelievable. I sit here in this inn in the quaint little milling town of Riverwood, in Skyrim, taking in a stiff drink before heading across the way to the bed offered by a helpful ally. A bed which is the only thing that I have in the world, aside from some clothes and some food offered me by the same kind man. Alvor of Riverwood, on the word of his nephew Hadvar, has all but accepted me into his family, and I am thankful, for if it were not for his kindness I don't know if I could remain grounded enough at this point to hold on to my sanity. Believe it or not, this morning I was sent to the executioner's block, and I was saved by a dragon.

  You are wondering now if perhaps my sanity has slipped from me after all, and frankly I do not care if anyone who might read this journal believes me or not: it happened, it is the truth. While crossing the boarder from Cyrodiil into Skyrim, across the Jerall mountians, I accidentally fell into a trap set for a group of Stormcloak rebels by the Legion posted here in Skyrim, and I was mistaken for one of their ranks and taken with the rest to Helgen for execution. I thought my fate sealed, my head resting and waiting upon the block for the bite of the headsman's axe when the dragon landed upon the city central tower, creating turmoil enough for me to escape, with Hadvar's help.

  With the middle-aged Nord officer at my side, I fought my way through the city keep, which was being torn apart from the outside in all the while, and made my way, at Hadvar's advice, into a series of caves below the city that were the only remaining chance of escape. While I fought well enough against Stormcloaks who had found there way inside the keep likewise, I failed to be of much help in one chamber, against a group of enormous spiders which scared me stiff, I'm ashamed to admit, but I think I managed to redeem myself. In the next chamber I found a Horned Iron Helm and wore it into battle against a large bear which would have barred our way.

  I don't know what to do from here. I came to my ancestral homeland with all of the spoils of my many years of adventures back home, and now I sit here in gifted clothing, drinking mead bought with the gold earned from selling the cloaks collected from fallen soldiers. I have been asked by Alvor to make my way to Whiterun, the region capital, and let them know of the dragon attack, and I am more than happy to ablige, but I have no good armor, and only a worn Iron Sword and Shield for protection. Alvor himself is a blacksmith. Perhaps tomorrow he and I can piece together some armor for me to wear at least, and I can set out on my way.
There is one mod referenced in this entry, Cloaks of Skyrim, which adds cloaks to Skyrim (obviously). Normally, after each entry, I will list any mods that are referenced in the entry down here so that players of the game will not wonder why there is an element to the world of which they are unfamiliar.
If you liked the entry or if you have any questions or general comments, please leave a comment below, and thanks for reading.

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