Thursday, January 23, 2014

Something Awesome #4 - That Guy With the Glasses

So it's a little late, only because I aparently didn't hit publish when I typed this up earlier. Oops. Anyway, yeah, for day four of Something Awesome I chose to talk about a website which is very near and dear to my heart. I'm going to level with you, dear readers. I went through some grade a depressing crap last year. After giving up a decent job for a job that paid better, but that I hated, I suddenly lost my new job. Second worst thing about this was that I had just made a really great friend at my new job, a girl named Emilli who could have been a lasting friend, and then when my job ended, because she lives practically a state away and has her own life, I haven't seen her in person since. Worst thing was that it took me almost eight months to find another job. I lost my apartment, and was forced to survive mostly on the charity of my family, something which I did not enjoy. I was depressed, so much so that I almost unravelled emotionally. The website thatguywiththe got me through this period in my life. For those who don't know thatguywiththe, also known as Channel Awesome or The League of Super Critics, is a website filled with original web reviews of everything from music, to video games, to movies, all performed by talented aspiring writers.

While I dabbled in watching all of the content on the site, my favorites are, by far, the content by Doug Walker, That Guy With the Glasses himself, and his team. My favorite amongst his content is the videos he performs as his arguably best known character, the Nostalgia Critic. He remembers bad notalgic movies so we don't have to. Over the years his content has changed and evolved and gotten better (or worse, depending on who you ask), but it has always kept its signature cheeky, snarky, mean-spirited wit. I love snarkiness, it's my humor. Using snarkiness to talk about "bad" movies never fails to lighten my mood, as the things said in the Critic's videos are the same kind of stuff that I might discuss with my friends. Also the fact that the character of the Critic is litterally forced to rewatch and discuss bad movies forever, made to suffer for as long as bad movies exist, serves as a surrogate reminder to me that my life isn't too bad. Then, when I need to be uplifted, I can watch the reviews that Doug does as himself, which are more intelletual and often more lighthearted. Doug Walker and his people litterally kept me from falling apart for months, somaybe I'm biased, but ever since I discovered, it's been one of my favorite places on the web to visit. In fact, it's Doug who inspired me to start this blog and share my own thoughts on the things I enjoy the way that Doug shares his thoughts on movies. If I had the equipment to do it, I'd make a genuine effort to get onto Channel Awesome myself.

Channel Awesome, AKA is, without a doubt, awesome. Heck, it's got awesome in its name! Anyone who isn't familiar with the site at this point, after it has been around for so many years, really should check it out. You are almost certain to find something that you like. I recommend Nostalgia Critic, his female counterpart the Nostalgia Chick, and one of the newer additions to the site, the Blockbuster Buster. If you take the time to visit the site after reading this, let me know what you think, and come back tomorrow for another Something Awesome.

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