Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Return To This Blog

It has been a long time since I posted here. Almost a month in fact. I had something in the works, something pretty big that I was pretty excited about. Maybe I'll post it eventually, but I dunno, because the same reason that I never posted it is the same reason why I feel kinda sad every time I think about posting anything here: I was on lunch break at work working on that very post when I found out that Leonard Nimoy had died.

I'll talk more about my feelings on that soon, and I definitely have something in the works again, a review of the new live action Cinderella that will be up Thursday or Friday. However, I wanted to announce that despite the rough feelings that I'm still subconsciously projecting onto this blog, I'm back. And what better day to come back than on April Fools Day, the day when the internet explodes with fun and fantastical pranks in the form of fake news posts, videos, and web articles, like this one:

I have a feeling that today will be fun. Maybe I'll even post a list of my favorite pranks at some point after the day is over. It could be interesting.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Little Something Awesome - Uptown Funk In Cartoon Voices

You guys know how much I love bringing you guys awesome videos. In keeping with that, I'd like to share a video that I saw today for the first time on the Phillip DeFranco Show. A fantastic young voice actor, Mikey Bolts, performs Uptown Funk in the voices of characters from Family Guy, American Dad, and King of the Hill, and he does so pretty much flawlessly. Even if you aren't a fan of these shows, the video is worth watching just due to the sheer level talent on display. Check it out, and come back soon for a true, full length Something Awesome.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A little Something Awesome - A Brand New Avengers 2 Trailer!

So yeah, I', not going to make any more excuses. Updates will resume soon full force. In the mean time, here is the third trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron!

Anyway, enjoy! And come back later for another Something Awesome.